AA | Always Afloat |
AAAA | Always Afloat Always Accessible |
AAPA | The American Association of Port Authorities |
AARA | Amsterdam-Antwerpen-Rotterdam Area |
ABS | American Bureau of Shipping |
ABT | AbouT |
ADCOM | ADress COMission |
AFSPS | Arrival First Sea Pilot Station ( Norway) |
AGW | All Going Well |
A/H | Anchor Handling |
AHT | AnchorHandling Tug |
ALU | ALUminium |
ANTHAM | ANTwerp-HAMburg range |
APS | Arrival Pilot Station |
ARAG | Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Gent range |
ASPW | Any Safe Port in the World |
ATDNSHINC | Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays INCluded |
ATUTC | Actually Time Used To Count |
A/S | AlongSide |
B B |
Bale (cargo capacity) |
BAF | Bunker adjusting factor (freight) |
Bb | Bareboat |
BBB | Before Breaking Bulk |
BDI | Both Dates Inclusive |
BE | Both Ends ( Load and discharge ports) |
BEG | BEGinning |
BENDS | Both Ends ( Load and discharge ports) |
BI | Both Inclusive |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Maritime Conference |
BL | BaLe |
B/N | Booking Note |
BOB | Bunker On Board |
Box | Everyday term for container (or boxed vessel) |
Br | Breadth |
BHP | Brake Horse Power |
BMM | British Marine Mutual |
Br.ld. | Break load |
BRGDS | Best ReGarDS |
BROB | Bunkers Remaining On Board |
Brt | Gross tonnage |
B S S 1/1 | Basis 1 port to 1 port |
BT | Berth Terms |
BV | Bureau Veritas |
BWAD | Brackish Water Arrival Draft |
Currency adjusting factor (freight) |
CAP | Condition Assessment Programme |
Cap | Capacity |
CBFT | CuBic FeeT |
C/C | sshinC/sshinC |
ce Ta | Center Tank |
CFT | Cubic FeeT |
CFR | Cost and Freight |
Chem | Chemical |
CHOPT | CHarterer’s OPTion |
CIF | Costs Insurance and Freight |
CIP | Commercial Interest Reference Rate |
CIRR | Commercial Interest Reference Rate |
CLC | Civil Liability Convention |
COA | Contract Of Affreightment |
COACP | Contract Of Affreightment Charter Party |
COBLDN | Closing Of Business LoDoN |
COGSA | Carriage of Goods by Sea Act |
CONT | CONTainer |
COW | Crude Oil Washing |
C/P | CharterParty |
CPT | Carriage Paid To |
CPD | Charterers Pay Dues |
CQD | Customary Quick Despatch |
COD | Cash On Delivery |
COP | Custom Of Port |
CR | Current Rate |
Cr | Crane |
CROB | Cargo Remaining OnBoard |
CST | CentiSToke |
CUFT | CubicFeeT |
Cy | Cylinders |
C/X | sshinC / ssheX |
D D/A |
Disbursement Account |
DAF | Delivered At Frontier |
DAP | Days All Purposes (Total days for loading and disch.) |
Dbl | Double |
DC | Discharge Capacity |
DDP/(U) | Delivered Duty Paid (Unpaid) |
DELY | DELiverY |
DEM | DEMurrage |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay |
DESP | DESPatch |
DHDATSBE | Despatch Half Demurrage on All Time Saved Both Ends |
DHDWTSBE | Detpatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends |
DK | DecK |
DLOSP | Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot (Norway) |
DNV | Det Norske Veritas |
DO | Diesel Oil |
DOLSP | Dropping Off Last Sea Pilot (Norway) |
DOP | Dropping Outward Pilot |
DOT | Department Of Transport |
DP | Dynamic Positioning |
DPT | DePTh |
DSV | Diving System |
DYNPOS | Dynamic Positioning |
E E0 |
Unattended engine room |
EC | East Coast |
EIU | Even If Used |
ETA | Expected Time of Arrival |
ETC | Expected Time of Completion |
ETD | Expected Time of Departure |
Eth | Ethylene |
ETS | Expected Time of Sailing |
EXCL | EXCLusive |
EXW | EX Works |
F FA |
Free Alongside |
FAC | Fast As Can |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship |
FCA | Free Carrier |
FD | Free Despatch |
FDD | Freight Demurrage Deadfreight |
F.DESP (FD) | Free DESPatch |
F.DIS | Free DIScharge |
FDEDANRSAOCLONL | Freight Deemed Earned Discountless & Non-Refundable Ship and Or Cargo Lost Or Not Lost |
FHEX | Friday Holidays EXcluded. (Muslim Countries) |
FHINC | Friday Holidays INCluded. (Muslim Countries) |
FiFI | Fire Fighting |
FIO | Free In and Out |
FIOST | Free In and Out Stowed and Trimmed |
FIOT | Free In and Out Trimmed |
FIT | Free In Trimmed |
FIW | Free in Wagon |
FM | FroM |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission |
FMS | FathoMS |
F/N | Fixing Note |
FO | For Orders |
FO (IFO) | Fuel Oil |
FOB | Free On Board |
FOG | For Our Guidance |
FOR | Free On Rail |
FOQ | Free On Quay |
FOT | Free On Truck |
FOW | First Open Water |
FOW | Free On Wharf |
Fr. wa. | Fresh water |
Free Ex Ins | FREE of any EXtra INSurance (Owners) |
FPSO | Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit |
FTD | FiTted |
FWAD | Fresh water Arrival Draft |
FWDD | Fresh Water Departure Draft |
FYG | For Your Guidance |
FYI | For Your Information |
G G |
Grain (cargo capacity) |
GA | General Average |
GASBEND | Good And Safe (Port) Both ENDs |
GD/GD | GDynia/Gdansk |
GENS | GENeralS or general cargo |
GEOROT | GEOgraphical ROTation |
GL | Germanischer Lloyd |
GO | Gas Oil |
GNS | German North Sea |
GR | GRain |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress Safety System |
GRD | GeaRed |
GTEE | GuaranTEE |
H HA |
Hatch |
HDLTSBENDS | Half Despatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends |
HBF | Harmless Bulk Fertilizer |
HDWTS | Half Demurrage Weather Time Saved |
HELDK | HELicopter DecK |
HHDW | Handy Heavy d.w. (scrap) |
HMS | Heavy Metal Scraps |
HO | Cargo HOld |
HR | HouR |
HRS | HouRS |
HV | HeaVy |
HVFL | HeaVy Fuel |
HW | High Water |
Intermediate Fuel Oil |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Code |
IU | If Used |
IMO | International Maritime Organisation |
ISM(C) | International Safety Management Code |
IUHTAUTC | If Used, Half Time ActUally To Count |
I.W.L. | Institute Warranty Limits |
cargo refrigerating system |
KN | Knots |
KTM | Keel To top of Mast |
Light Aboard Ship |
LAT | LATitude |
LAYCAN | LAYday CANcelling date |
LC | Loading Capacity |
LCR | Lowest Current Rate |
LDN | LaDeN |
LGT | LenGThened |
LNG | Liquefied Natural Gas |
LOA | Lenght Over All |
LOF | Lloyd’s Open Form |
Lo Ho | Lower Hold |
LOI | Letter Of Indemnity. |
LOLO | Lift On Lift Off ship |
LOW | Last Open Water |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LPS | LumPSum |
LR | Lloyds Register of Shipping |
LR | Large Range |
L.S. | LumpSum |
LSD | Lashed Secured Dunnage |
L.T. | Liner Terms |
LT (LTONS) | Long TONS |
LW | Low Water |
M MB |
Merchant Broker |
MDO (DO) | Marine Diesel Oil |
MDWT | Metric DeadWeight tons |
MIN/MAX | Minimum/Maximum (cargo quantity) |
MO | Managing Owner |
MODU | Mobile Offshore Drilling Units |
MOLCHOP | More Or Less CHarterers OPtion |
MOLOO | More Or Less Owners (Masters) Option |
MON | MONitors (fire) |
MOT | Ministry Of Transpory |
MOT | Monthly OverTime |
MR | Medium Range |
m/r | Mates receipt |
MT | Metric Tonnes |
MTONS | Metric Tonnes |
Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground |
NCB | National Cargo Bureau |
NCS | Norwegian Continental Shelf |
n.E. | not East of |
NIS | Norwegian International Shipsregister |
NK | Nippon Kaiji Kyokai |
n.N. | not North of |
NMD | Norwegian Maritime Directorate |
NOKUS – company | NOrsk Kontrollert Utenlandsk Selskap i lavskatteland, Norwegian controlled foreign company in lowtax country |
NOR | Notice Of Readiness |
n.S | not South of |
n.W | not West of |
O o.a. |
Over All |
OA | Over Aged |
OBO | Oil Bulk Ore |
ONW | ONWards |
OO | Owners Option |
OP | OPerator |
OPA 90 | The US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 |
OSH | Open SHelter deck |
OT | On Truck |
OW | OWners |
P P & I |
Protection & Indemnity |
P.P. | PerPendicular |
Pax | Passenger Vessel |
PDPR | Per Day Pro-Rata |
P/E | Purchase Enquiry |
PGH | Per Geard Hatch |
PHPD | Per Hatch Per Day |
POT (able) | POTable water |
PPT | PromPT |
PSV | Plattform Supply Vessel |
PU | PUmps |
PWH | Per Workable Hatch |
PWWD | Per Weather Working day |
Refrigerated |
RGDS | ReGarDS |
RGE | RanGE |
RNR | Rate Not Reported |
ROB | Remaining On Board |
ROC | Reference Our Cable….(date) |
RORO | Roll On Roll Off ship |
ROTLX | Reference Our TeLeX …(date) |
RPM | Revs. Per Minute |
RYC | Reference Your Cable…(date) |
RYTLX | Reference Your TeLeX…(date) |
S S.THR. |
Side Thruster |
SBM | Soya Bean Meal |
SATSHEX | SATurdays, Sundays, Holidays Excepted |
SATSHINC | SATurdays, Sundays, Holidays INCluded |
SBS | Safe Berth |
SBT | Segregated Ballast Tanks |
SELFDISCH | SelfDischarger |
SF | Superficial Feet |
SHEX | Sundays, Holidays EXcepted |
SHINC | Sundays, Holidays Included |
SID | Single Deck |
SLPTA | SLop TAnks |
SOF | Statement Of Facts |
SOM | Swedish Official Measure |
SP | Safe Ports |
SPB | St. PetersBurg |
S/R B/L | Signing and Releasing Bill(s) of Lading |
SS and C | Same Sea and Country coast |
SSHEX | Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays EXcepted |
SSHINC | Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays INCluded |
ST | Short Tons |
STEM | Subject To Enough Merchandise |
SWAD | Salt Water Arrival Draft |
SWDD | Salt Water Departure Draft |
T TA |
TAnks |
TBN | To Be Named |
TBR | To Be Renamed |
TC | (T/C)Time Charter |
TCT | Time Charter Trip |
TCP | Time Charter Party |
TEU | Standard 20′ container |
THC | TerminalHandling Cost |
THR | THRuster |
TIP | Taking Inward Pilot |
TL | Total Loss |
TOBENA | To Be Named |
TOP | Taking Outward Pilot |
TS | TonS |
TTL | ToTaL |
United Kingdom Continental Shelf |
ULCC | Ultra Large Crude Carrier |
USC | Unless Sooner Commenced |
UU | Unless Used |
UUIWCTAUTC | Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count |
VEGetable oil |
VLCC | Very Large Crude Carrier |
VPD | Vessel Pay Dues |
VSL | VeSseL |
W WA |
WAter |
WC | West Coast |
WCCON | Whether Custom Cleared Or Not |
WIBON | Whether In Berth Or Not |
WIFPON | Whether In Free Praqtique Or Not |
WIPON | Whether In Port Or Not |
WITA | WIng TAnk |
WLTOHC | WaterLine-TO-HatchCoaming (distance) |
WOG | WithOut Guarantee |
Working Copy | Copy of Charter Party – not being signed and may contain unchecked errors |
WP | Weather Permitting |
WRD | Wide Range Destillate |
WRIC | Wire Rods in Coils |
WWD | Weather Working Days |
WWR | When, Where Ready |
WWWW | Wibon Wccon Wifpon Wipon |
X X/C |
ssheX / sshinC |
X/X | ssheX / ssheX |
York Antwerp Rule |
YC | Your Cable |